By The Career Leadership Collective
In case you missed it, we want to highlight our Multi-year Transformation of Career Services event. There were so many insights, so we're sharing the video below!
Thank you to Erica Kryst, Dr. Kafui Kouakou, and Sara Nagel Newberg for your time and unique perspectives.
Plus, here's a breakdown of the difference between good initiatives and transformative initiatives that our CEO, Jeremy Podany, discussed at the opening.
Additionally, each member of The Collective's consulting team spoke of keeping the following principles in mind:
Allocate resources towards transformation: people, energy, messaging, and dollars.
Work to invest in and retain talent.
Identify and acknowledge gravity problems.
Lean into change management of culture and team emotions.
Need some insight on transformation? The Career Leadership Collective provides advisory assistance, strategic planning, and executive search services. Contact us to schedule a conversation.